Pharmacy Council proposes an ‘exit exam’ for B Pharm degree holders!

Pharmacy Council proposes an ‘exit exam’ for B Pharm degree holders!

The B Pharm degree holders across the country will have to take an exit examination before seeking a certificate as a registered pharmacist since the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) proposed to make exit examination mandatory for four-year pharmacy degree holders.

 PCI had proposed to make exit examination compulsory for students passing out B Pharm to evaluate knowledge before their entry into the pharmacy industry.

He said that the Pharmacy Council submitted a proposal to the Union Health Minister recently to revamp the country’s pharmacy education.

It may be noted that the number of pharmacy colleges and candidates has increased in the country during the last few years compared to engineering.

 After passing the degree course, a candidate will have to take the exit examination to be eligible for registration of his/her degree with the State Pharmacy Council.

This is just a policy, we can't say when it will implement.

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