Which Pharmacy Degree you should Do?

 Pharmacy as a Carrer- Which Pharmacy Degree is Good?

In India, There are 4 Course of Pharmacy Available till now which are 

  1. Diploma in Pharmacy
  2. Bachelor of Pharmacy
  3. Master in Pharmacy
  4. Doctorate in Pharmacy

Diploma in Pharmacy:

Every student is different and every student has different situations in life. If you are in need of getting Job and not want to study for 3 or 4 Years regular, their is one course for you Diploma in Pharmacy. This Course you can avail if your marks in Class 12th are low or your financial conditions are not good or you need to earn money in 2-3 years.

Every student is different and every student has different situations in life. If you are in need of getting Job and not want to study for 3 or 4 Years regular, their is one course for you Diploma in Pharmacy. This Course you can avail if your marks in Class 12th are low or your financial conditions are not good or you need to earn money in 2-3 years.

Bachelor of Pharmacy:

If your Marks in Class 12 are good and you have an interest in Medicines and want to devote 4 Years to learn Pharmacy in Detail than you can go for B. Pharmacy as it will give you bright future as well as Decent amount of Money either you are in Job or Business.

If your Marks in Class 12 are good and you have an interest in Medicines and want to devote 4 Years to learn Pharmacy in Detail than you can go for B. Pharmacy as it will give you bright future as well as Decent amount of Money either you are in Job or Business.

Master in Pharmacy:

If you want to go to Research Field or Want to do a job of Manager level or any other high post job than you can go for M. Pharmacy. M. Pharmacy is 2 Year Degree which one can do only after B. Pharmacy.

If you want to go to Research Field or Want to do a job of Manager level or any other high post job than you can go for M. Pharmacy. M. Pharmacy is 2 Year Degree which one can do only after B. Pharmacy.

Doctorate in Pharmacy:

If you Want to do job or Business in the USA or Canada then you can go for this 6 years  Postbaccalaureate Course. In this Clinical Pharmacy and Hospital Pharmacy are Involved.

If you Want to do job or Business in the USA or Canada then you can go for this 6 years  Postbaccalaureate Course. In this Clinical Pharmacy and Hospital Pharmacy are Involved.

You can Watch My Video to better understand the  different Courses of Pharmacy and you can select the best one :
