Private Vs Government Pharmacy College | Why Students are preferring Govt. Colleges in India?

How to select Pharmacy College:

Many Pharmacy colleges are there in India and Abroad but which colleges are good from where we can pursue Pharmacy Degree.

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We will discuss some criteria on which you can compare Colleges of your choice. 

1) PCI or AICTE Approved Colleges or Universities:

Once you find out your dream college or university from where you want to pursue your Pharmacy Degree it is important to know that your college is approved by Central Authorities. For Pharmacy Colleges, PCI and AICTE are the Bodies that approved colleges all over India.

You can check Online, is your college is approved by PCI or AICTE.

So take admission in a PCI-approved college. This list of pharmacy colleges will be updated every year for changes

2) Campus Placements:   As we know, in Campus placements Govt. Colleges are far better than private colleges. If your college is private and reputed then it will provide you good placements.

But it doesn't matter in long term, you can also go for off-campus placements if your college is not reputed. Many Private colleges have good Campus Placements.

3) Faculty:  The main point to discuss in this blog is Faculty. In Government colleges, teachers are more experienced than private ones.

Faculty of Government Colleges are more experienced in the field of Pharmacy. If your priority is more upon faculty then you should go for Government Colleges.

It doesn't mean that Teachers of Private colleges are not experts but in the majority, they have less experienced than that of Govt. Teachers.

If Teachers of Government colleges have 10 years of Experience then Private Teachers may have 5 or 6 years of experience.

It will not cost you anything if you are in a private college but students are preferring more experienced faculty to teach them Pharmacy.

4) Infrastructure: Infrastructure is the main highlight of any Private College or university. Maintenance of Govt. Colleges are not taken seriously as compared to private colleges. If you want Good Infrastructure then Private Colleges will be more better option to choose.

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It totally depends upon students where they have more interest and what are their priorities.

Choose your College wisely!
