E- Pharmacy - Biggest change in Drugs & Cosmetics Act

In the past few decades, online sales of goods and services have increased. Nationwide lockdowns have been one of the catalysts in this process. 

What can pharmacy students and pharmacists learn from this experience?
First, in the field of pharmacy. E-pharmacy is a booming career opportunity and everyone wants to get started. 


Towards the end of August 2021. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has formed a committee to draft the new Drugs and Medical Devices Act.
Retail pharmacists and clinicians have been opposed to E pharmacy for several years. 

Indian regulations prohibit the sale of medicines or drugs online because it can lead to wrong prescriptions and exploitation of medicines. 

Imports, manufactures, distributions, and sales of drugs and cosmetics are regulated under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940. The proposed new law would replace the existing Drug and Cosmetic Act and cover medical devices, e-pharmacies, and hospital equipment. 

An eight-member panel is headed by India's Drug Controller General. This committee will consult with and examine the current act by 30th November 2021 in order to draft a completely new law for drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices.

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